1 personal finance software zealand

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

If you need to supercharge your money management, then try using the personal finance tools on your bank’s website. These tools enable you to find out at a glance where your money is really going, and begin to budget the easy way. Each bank is different, but the tools show a snapshot of your overall finances, help sort your spending into different categories, and can create a budget automatically. They give you power to change the way you spend and save. What’s more, they’re dead easy to use because they import your statements and categorise the transactions automatically. You simply tell the tool once that “ Countdown” is groceries or “ Hammer Hardware” is home maintenance and the software automatically recognises that in the future. Personal finance software is simple, but effective. Finding out 10% of your spending is for eating out, 10% goes on electricity, or even 1% is bank fees can be a very powerful incentive for change. Here is a snapshot of the software currently available: ANZ Money Manager. You don’t need to be an ANZ customer to use this product. Once you’ve entered user names and passwords it can download statements from other banks “ including overseas ones. That means that your entire banking can be viewed from one dashboard. This makes sense for people who have their current account with one bank, but other accounts with another. Free ASB Track My Spending. This is a very simple piece of software that simply tracks your spending and budget. Only ASB accounts can be included. It has a useful “ My Allowances” section that allows you to enter weekly, monthly or annual spending allowances for categories and click on them to see how much money is still available that period. Free Kiwibank Heaps.co.nz. Although a Kiwibank product, Heaps.co.nz is marketed to all Kiwis. Anyone can join and import their bank statements. If you’re a Kiwibank customer your.
Introducing the Absolute Best Financial Management Tools - Provided to You by a Proven Expert, and Free of the Annoying Sales Pitches and Dreadful Hype Welcome to Sound Finance.com, where you can finally receive an honest personal finance software review. I'm Lyn Bell, and I'd like to present you with solid strategies for saving, budgeting and investing your money so you can keep more of what's rightfully yours. See if you can identify with any of these scenarios: You're tired of sifting through the myriad of financial software products You're sick of online sales letters that promise the world and deliver nothing You're overwhelmed with choices that have left you with analysis paralysis You're concerned about where to invest your hard earned dollars You're tired of living from pay day to pay day and want to finally get out of debt If you see yourself in one or more of these situations then you're in the right place. I've been in the banking and financial planning industry for over 28 years, have served over 1,000 customers JUST LIKE YOU and can tell you what products, services, and companies are effective - and from whom to steer clear! I've spent countless hours in the financial marketing trenches, sifting through the endless sales letters and pitches to figure out what products were actually worth the trouble and expense. Then it hit me. As long as I'm doing all this anyway, why not help you too! Before you risk your hard earned money to purchase budgeting software, give me a call. I'll help you answer questions like: Is it a scam? Is it easy to understand and use? Where do I start to get my debt under control? Which of two programs is the best for ME? How much is too much to spend for help with a financial problem? All you need is the right guidance from an expert who has been where you are and knows how to navigate through the confusing maze of options.