$5 a day trailer portions

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Jorge Cham ( Writer/ Producer Jorge is the creator of the comic strip Piled Higher and Deeper (phdcomics.com) and the co-founder of the science and discovery outreach collaborative PHD TV. He obtained his Ph. D. in Robotics from Stanford University and is a former Instructor and Research Associate at Caltech. Iram Parveen Bilal ( Director Iram is the Founder and CEO of Parveen Shah Productions. Her noted first feature length film, JOSH ( English title: Against the Grain) was a 2012 Women in Film Awardee and was recently honored to be part of the US Library of Congress Permanent Collection. Main Cast Alexandra Lockwood, Ph. D. ( Cecilia) Raj Katti ( The Nameless Grad Student) K. Zachary Abbott ( Prof. Smith) Fawzia Mirza ( Dr. Sangeeta Singh) Crystal Dilworth, Ph. D. ( Tajel) Evans Boney, Ph. D. ( Mike Slackenerny) Tony Chu ( Prof. Chu) Katie Condidorio ( Mariko) Barbera Howard ( Dr. D).
Central Florida is home to some of the most famous attractions and theme parks in the world, and it’s rightly known for those places — but one thing you discover when you fly into Orlando is how many lakes there are in the area. In many cases those lakes are connected by canals, be they natural or manmade, and it makes boating in the Orlando area something of an adventure. So here’s something to think about: Next time you want to take the family to Orlando, consider driving and towing your boat down with you. Sure, you can still hit all the theme parks you want, but a boat is your ticket to the natural beauty of the area, and it gives you a license to explore places only locals get to see. What could be a more original vacation adventure than that? St. Johns River A mainstay of local boaters in the Orlando area, the St. Johns River stretches from Indian River County to the east of town and flows northward all the way to Jacksonville, where it empties into the Atlantic. The best place to drop a boat in the water, in terms of proximity to Orlando, is probably in Sanford, where Interstate 4 crosses over the St. Johns, just west of Lake Monroe. St. Johns River. Photo courtesy of USDA. If you head north on the river, you’ll see all manner of Florida wildlife, from egrets and herons to alligators and manatee. Now, with manatee come no-wake zones, so be vigilant. This stretch of the St. Johns remains unspoiled, so it’s as wild as Florida gets in this region. For the truly adventurous, Lake George is about 50 miles upriver. On the western shore of Lake George, Florida’s second largest lake, lies Silver Glen Springs. This is a favorite spot among locals, who like to raft up in the shallows and escape the Florida heat in the 72-degree spring water. Manatees like it here, too, because the water temperature is constant, so it’s possible to get a good look at one of those.
Research proves that fruit and vegetables can protect us from a range of illnesses, from cancer to heart disease. For this to work, however, we need at least five portions a day. This may sound daunting but, in fact, it is easy to integrate fruit and vegetables into your diet. For instance, did you know that frozen peas and baked beans both count? Below, we reveal 15 medical benefits of eating enough fruit and vegetables, and tips to disguise them in everyday meals.1. The World Health Organisation has found that 85pc of adult cancers are avoidable, and of these, around half are related to nutrition deficiencies in the Western diet - many of which can be rectified by eating those five portions of fruit and vegetables. 2. In the UK, one person dies every three minutes from coronary heart disease, but new research from Cambridge University has found that eating just one apple a day cuts your risk of premature death from heart disease by 20pc. Add one orange and one banana and that increases to 50pc. 3. Minor infections like colds and flu are also less likely if you eat plenty of fruit and veg - particularly kiwi fruit, raspberries, blueberries, red peppers and citrus fruit. These offer the best way to get high levels of vitamin C in your diet - and research shows that people with high intakes of vitamin C have 34pc fewer sick days than others. 4. A study in 1998 showed that a high-fibre diet will protect against breast cancer and prostate cancer. Cabbage, peas, beans, berries and dried fruit are particularly rich sources, but there is fibre in nearly all vegetables and most fruit. 5. Age-related memory loss is one of the most distressing elements of old age, but a 1999 study found that a diet containing the equivalent of half a cup of blueberries a day can actually stimulate the growth of new brain cells, which may prevent memory deterioration. 6. Most of us think only.