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System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Peter Bankolé Theatre credits include: The Caucasian Chalk Circle ( Shared Experience Much Ado About Nothing ( A. F. T. L. S A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Timon of Athens ( The Globe Theatre Rough Crossings ( Headlong A Midsummer Night’s Dream, As You Like It, The American Pilot, Venus And Adonis and season of Migration To The North ( RSC Sing Yer Heart Out For The Lads ( UK tour, Pilot Theatre Nakamitsu ( Gate Theatre). Television credits include: The Trial of Gemma Lang, Casualty, Doctors, The Rotter’s Club  That Day We Sang, Manchester Opera House; Season’s Greetings, National Theatre; Into the Woods, Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre; Sunday in the Park with George, Wyndham’s Theatre; Studio 54, Broadway; Amy’s View, Garrick Theatre; Guys and Dolls, Piccadilly Theatre; Three Sisters, Royal Court; Hunting Scenes from Lower Bavaria, Gate; Kiss the Sky, Bush; On a Clear Day You Can See Forever, Bridewell Theatre; Into the Woods, Donmar Warehouse; The Card, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre; Martin Guerre, Prince Edward Theatre; Antony and Cleopatra, Dorcas, The Winter’s Tale, Misha’s Party, Wildest Dreams, The Beggar’s Opera, Royal Opera House; Follies, Shaftesbury; Girlfriends, Playhouse Thearre. Film includes: The Fear, P’ Tang, Yang, Kipperbang and Sacred Hearts. Television includes: The Paradise, Holby City, Minder, Doctor Who, Deborah, Born and Bred, Men Only, Peak Practice, Picking Up the Pieces, On the Up, Home to Roost, Missing Persons, Purple People Eater, A Better Class of Person, Your Place or Mine, QPR Askey is Dead and Coming Out. Radio and concerts include: Friday Night is Music Night, Proms 2010 - Sondheim at 80. Awards include: Nomination for the 2008 Tony Award for Leading Actress in a Musical, Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actress in a Musical, Theatre World Award for Broadway Debut Performance, Drama League for Distinguished Performance Award and 2007 Olivier Award for Best Actress in a Musical for Sunday in the Park with George; Olivier Award for Best Actress in a Musical for Guys and Dolls. Jenna also sings the theme tune for Red Dwarf.
WEEK THREE – 7– WEEK FOUR – 13– Click here to download the festival brochure for Vibrant - An Anniversary Festival of Finborough Playwrights (25 May- ) WEEK THREE – 7– Monday, t 7.30pm World Premiere The Martyrs of Warsaw, Part I by Sarah Grochala. Directed by Stephen Keyworth. Cast includes: Scott Christie. Rhona Croker. Simon Darwen. John Dorney. Nicola Harrison. Celyn Jones. Rosalie Jorda. Rachel Marwood. Jamie Mc Kie. Jack Pierce. Adam Tabraham. Kate Ward. Becky Wright. “ Anyone would think that the walls of this city were only built to shoot people against and the balconies to hang them from.” Warsaw. 1943. In a city under occupation, divided by race and faith, three women face two choices. Anna is ready to sacrifice herself for her country. Agata is hoping to quietly wait the war out. Danuta, meanwhile, is searching for a third way. She wants to make the best she can out of a bad situation. But war has a funny way of turning both the most selfish and most selfless of intentions on their heads. Performance length: 1 hour 30 minutes. Playwright Sarah Grochala’s play S-27 received its world premiere at the Finborough Theatre in 2009. It also won the first Protect the Human Playwriting Competition in 2007, run by iceandfire in conjunction with Amnesty International and Soho Theatre, and has just been produced in Sydney by the prestigious Griffin Theatre. Previous plays include Waiting For Romeo ( Pleasance London, RADA and the Edinburgh Festival) which was chosen by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be presented as part of the celebrations marking the centenary of Ibsen’s death in 2006 and is currently in production in Poland. She has also written several short pieces for Theatre 503 including Remains, Viable Alternative and Covent Garden ( Urban Scrawl). Sarah has recently been working with the.
Judy Lynn Hubbard is a native of Dallas, Texas and has always been an avid reader—particularly of romance. Judy’s first book, THESE ARMS OF MINE, hit the shelves in January 2012. Her second book, OUR FIRST DANCE, was released on June 19, 2012. Judy loves well-written, engaging stories with characters she can identify with, empathize with and root for. When writing, she honestly can't wait to see what happens next; she knows if she feels that way, she’s created characters and a story that readers will thoroughly enjoy, and that’s her ultimate goal. How did you start out your writing career? I have always loved to read and write. I started out writing journals, then poetry, then really short “books” and then I decided to see if I had what it took to write an entire novel. What did you learn while writing this book? I learned more than I wanted to know about re-writing and editing, lol! It was fun researching the ballet industry. I feel all of my hard work was worth it, though, because I’m thrilled with the final result and I hope everyone else will be too. What did you hope to accomplish with this book? I wanted to introduce my readers to something new that’s not written about a lot, especially in AA romance, and that’s the world of ballet—the fierce drive you have to possess and a little insight into what it takes to succeed in such a competitive field. I hope readers will take to heart one of the main messages of OUR FIRST DANCE and that is to never give up on your dreams because they can come true. What came first with this story, the characters or the plot? Why? The story came first, then the plot and finally the characters. I always dream up the story first before anything else. I was sitting around thinking about my next book and the idea hit me to write about a ballerina waiting for her big break. From there, more of the plot began to unfold and lastly my.