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Find out more about Acta Materilia Supports Open Access About this Journal Sample Issue Online Submit your Article Acta Materialia Inc. Formerly part of Acta Metallurgica et Materialia; Incorporating Nanostructured Materials; Get new article feed Get new Open Access article feed Your selection(s) could not be saved due to an internal error. Please try again. Added to Favorites [remove] Add to Favorites Copyright © 2016 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Acta Materialia Volume 88, Pages 1-402 ( )   < Previous vol/iss Next vol/iss > Articles in Press Open Access articles Open Volumes (2016) Open Volumes ( ) Open Volumes (2015) Close Volumes 81 - 90 ( ) Volume 90pp. 1-432 ( ) Issue contains Open Access articles Volume 89pp. 1-450 ( ) Issue contains Open Access articles Volume 88 - selectedpp. 1-402 ( ) Issue contains Open Access articles Volume 87pp. 1-412 ( ) Issue contains Open Access articles Volume 86pp. 1-396 ( March 2015) Issue contains Open Access articles Volume 85pp. 1-396 (15 February 2015) Issue contains Open Access articles Volume 84pp. 1-516 (1 February 2015) Not entitled to full text Volume 83pp. 1-516 ( ) Issue contains Open Access articles Volume 82pp. 1-540 ( ) Not entitled to full text Volume 81pp. 1-528 ( December 2014) Not entitled to full text Open Volumes 71 - 80 (2014) Open Volumes 61 - 70 ( ) Open Volumes 51 - 60 ( ) Open Volumes 44 - 50 ( ) Download and Export 0 checked results  Export citations Help Direct export Export file RIS (for End Note, Reference Manager, Pro Cite) Bib Te X Text Ref Works Direct Export Content Citations Only Citations and Abstracts   All access types   Find out more about Acta Materilia Supports Open Access About this Journal Sample Issue Online Submit your Article.
End Note is software that can help you manage your reference library, make it easier to automatically insert citations into your work and generate a reference list at the end. It can take a while to learn how to use Endnote, but it can save you a considerable amount of time when writing the longer assignments required in higher years. It also allows you to automatically reformat an assignment or a paper from one referencing style to another, which can save many hours of work particularly if you have to use more than one referencing style. The main functions of End Note software are: Database manager - stores, manages and searches for your references. The information is only entered once and can be imported electronically from a database or entered manually. Bibliography maker - builds lists of references cited in a paper and at the click of a button will create the bibliography in a number of different styles. Data importer - enables the importing of references from other databases into an End Note library. Curtin students and staff can obtain End Note for their computers.
Designing microstructure for damage tolerance requires a detailed understanding of how an advancing crack interacts with the microstructure (and sometimes modifies it locally) at multiple length scales. Advances in experimental techniques, such as the availability of well-controlled straining stages for optical and electron microscopes, the focused ion beam, electron backscattered diffraction, and nanoindentation, enable probing at these length scales in real time and through interrupted tests. Simultaneously, increasing computational power coupled with new computational methods, such as finite element analysis ( FEA) incorporating cohesive elements at the continuum level, discrete dislocation methodology at the mesoscopic level, and coupled atomistic/continuum methods that transitions atomic level information to the mesoscopic level, have made it possible to begin addressing these complex problems. By reviewing crack growth in a variety of multiphase alloys including steels, titanium aluminides, Mo alloys, and nanocrystalline metals, we demonstrate various aspects of crack interaction with microstructure, and how these problems are being addressed through experiments and computations. Developing materials to withstand stress, often combined with an extreme environment, is central to many current technologies such as aircraft structures, gas turbines, and lightweight engines for automotive and marine applications. These materials derive their properties from a complex microstructure in which a matrix phase is combined with a distribution of a second phase (particles, rods, plates) to achieve a desirable mechanical response. Their properties can, in principle, be adjusted by tuning the microstructure appropriately. Properties such as modulus, flow stress, ductility, fracture toughness, and fatigue resistance can be optimized by engineering the grain size and texture; the.
Alternate Title: NHSDA 2001 Principal Investigator(s United States Department of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Office of Applied Studies Summary: The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse ( NHSDA) series measures the prevalence and correlates of drug use in the United States. The surveys are designed to provide quarterly, as well as annual, estimates. Information is provided on the use of illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco among members of United States households aged 12 and older. Questions include age at first use as well as lifetime, annual, and past-month usage for the following drug classes: marijuana, cocaine (and crack hallucinogens, heroin, inhalants, alcohol, tobacco, and nonmedical use of prescription drugs, including pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants, and sedatives. The survey covers substance abuse treatment history and perceived need for treatment, and includes questions from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ( DSM) of Mental Disorders that allow diagnostic criteria to be applied. Respondents are also asked about personal and family income sources and amounts, health care access and coverage, illegal activities and arrest record, problems resulting from the use of drugs, and needle-sharing. Questions introduced in previous NHSDA administrations were retained in the 2001 survey, including questions asked only of respondents aged 12 to 17. These youth experiences items covered a variety of topics, such as neighborhood environment, illegal activities, gang involvement, drug use by friends, social support, extracurricular activities, exposure to substance abuse prevention and education programs, and perceived adult attitudes toward drug use and activities such as school work. Also retained were questions on mental health and access to care, perceived risk of using drugs, perceived.
The growth of a planar crack through a heterogeneous brittle material is investigated using a discrete cubic lattice of springs with distributed spring toughnesses and lattice Green's functions to determine crack propagation. The toughness, or stress required to grow an initial crack, is found to be a stochastic quantity and depends on the width of the distribution. For narrow distributions, the toughness is less than the thermodynamic value and is controlled by the nucleation of kinks at low toughness regions (weakest links which then grow laterally in an unstable manner. For broad distributions, the average toughness approaches the thermodynamic value, with some specific configuration having greater values, and is controlled by high toughness regions pinning a rough crack front. The rough crack front exhibits nontrivial scaling with crack width and a `strongest-link' behavior that differs from the usual weak-link behavior found in weakly disordered materials. Materials with broad distributions are also less sensitive to small preexisting defects. The difference in toughness between narrow and broad distributions is only about 10%; that is much smaller than suggested by similar studies on 2d materials and demonstrates the very important role played by geometry-dimensionality in this problem. One implication of these results is that toughness in complex or heterogeneous materials does not stem from simple disorder in toughnesses; more complex and microstructure-specific mechanisms such as microcracking and grain bridging must occur.