Exe mime type iis7 php

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

By Ruslan Yakushev December 5, 2007 This article describes how to configure the Fast CGI module and PHP to host PHP applications on IIS 7 and above. IMPORTANT: This article provides instructions on how to install and use the Fast CGI component on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista SP1. SP1 is required on Windows Vista. Table of Contents Overview The Fast CGI module in IIS enables popular application frameworks that support the Fast CGI protocol to be hosted on the IIS Web server in a high performance and reliable way. Fast CGI provides a high-performance alternative to the Common Gateway Interface ( CGI which is a standard way of interfacing external applications with Web servers that has been a part of the supported IIS feature set since the first release. CGI programs are executable files that are launched by the Web server for each request to process the request and generate dynamic responses that are then sent back to the client. Because many of these frameworks do not support multi-threaded execution, CGI enables them to execute reliably on IIS by executing exactly one request per process. Unfortunately, it provides poor performance due to the high cost of starting and shutting down a process for each request. Fast CGI addresses the performance issues that are inherent in CGI by providing a mechanism to reuse a single process over and over again for many requests. Additionally, Fast CGI maintains compatibility with non-thread-safe libraries by providing a pool of reusable processes and ensuring that each process handles only one request at a time. Enable Fast CGI Support in IIS Windows Server 2008 Go to Server Manager -> Roles -> Add Role Services. On the Select Role Services page, select the CGI check box. This enables both the CGI and Fast CGI services. Windows Vista SP1 Go to Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off. In the Windows.
You should create MIME types to help clients handle new file name extensions appropriately. If IIS 7 does not recognize the file name extension requested by the client, IIS 7 sends the content as the default MIME type, which is Application. This MIME type signifies that the file contains application data, and usually means that clients cannot process the file. Note Adding a configuration setting adds the setting at the local level and to any child levels that inherit the setting. For information about the levels at which you can perform this procedure, and the modules, handlers, and permissions that are required to perform this procedure, see MIME Types Feature Requirements ( IIS 7). Exceptions to Feature Requirements You can perform this procedure by using the user interface ( UI by running Appcmd.exe commands in a command-line window, by editing configuration files directly, or by writing WMI scripts. Open IIS Manager and navigate to the level you want to manage. For information about opening IIS Manager, see Open IIS Manager ( IIS 7). For information about navigating to locations in the UI, see Navigation in IIS Manager ( IIS 7). In Features View, double-click MIME Types. In the Actions pane, click Add. In the Add MIME Type dialog box, type a file name extension in the File name extension text box. For example, type.xyz. Type a MIME type in the MIME type text box. For example, type application/octet-stream. Click OK. To add a MIME type, use the following syntax: appcmd set config /section:static Content /+ [file Extension=' string mime Type=' string '] The variable file Extension string is a file name extension. The variable mime Type string is a MIME type. For example, to create a MIME type, type the following at the command prompt, and then press ENTER: appcmd set config /section:static Content /+ [file Extension='.xyz mime Type=' application/octet-stream '] For.