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System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Edit Page   Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago The Skyrim Creation Kit is a built-in tool that allows players to create mods for Skyrim. The mods are downloadable in the Steam Workshop on PC. According to Bethesda, the Creation Kit will allow fans to upload, download, and install custom content through the Skyrim Workshop on Steam making sharing mods easier than ever before. The following specs are recommended before installing the high-res texture pack: [1] Windows Vista or 7 operating system Minimum of 4 GB of system RAM Direct X 9.0c compatible NVIDIA or AMD ATI video card with at least 1 GB of RAM and the latest drivers Fall of the Space Core Vo1 1 - This mod was created by Valve themselves. Valve and Bethesda have teamed up to bring you the Portal 2 Space Core mod, which will let the aggressively space-centric little robot tag along on your adventures in Tamriel. The folks behind Skyrim are cooking up a 10-part Creation Kit tutorial video series. Each new part will be linked below. You can also use the creation kit to create your very own custom Npcs.  The video below shows them in action.
Edit Page   Last Edit: 29 minutes ago There have not yet been any concrete details on downloadable content ( DLC) for Skyrim, but a handful of hints have come out over the months before and after Skyrim's release. On March 30, 2012, Pete Hines from Bethesda tweeted, Some things coming down the road in April for all you Rage and Skyrim fans. April is gonna have some cool news and surprises. Stay tuned. Game Spy speculated that this tweet hints at forthcoming DLC which could appear in April. [1] Bethesda parent company Zenimax Media has submitted a trademark application for new downloadable game content. In a filing submitted last month, Zenimax refers to a project called ' Dawnguard' that's specifically referred to as computer game software for use with computers and video game consoles and downloadable computer game software offered via the internet and wireless devices. The filing doesn't link the project to any specific franchise, but given Bethesda's recent ideas about Skyrim DLC and the specific mention of both consoles and PC, a connection to that series is certainly possible. In the past, director Todd Howard commented that Skyrim DLC releases don't have a timetable and that they'll have a lot of meat on them. [2] On June 29, 2011, Todd Howard, director at Elder Scrolls developer Bethesda, suggested that DLC expansions for Skyrim would be fewer and yet more substantial than expansions for Fallout 3. He went on to add that they don't yet have concrete plans for updates. So right now I can say that we'd like to do less DLC but bigger ones-you know, more substantial. The Fallout 3 pace that we did was very chaotic. We did a lot of them-we had two overlapping groups-and we don't know what we're going to make yet, but we'd like them to be closer to an expansion pack feel. To further stir the pot, Howard at the 2012 DICE convention pitched a number of ideas that.
  Last Edit: 2 years 10 months ago The Hearthfire DLC is an expansion that lets you. purchase a piece of land in Skyrim and build your own house. Within the custom living space you are able to build kitchens, greenhouses, libraries, alchemy labs and trophy rooms to show off your accomplishments. Hearthfire is priced at 400 Microsoft Points and was released on September 4, 2012 on Xbox Live. The PC version released on October 4, 2012 priced at . A Playstation 3 release has been announced for February 19, 2013 on Playstation Store. The Playstation version is priced at . The Playstation version will be sold with 50% off for the first week from release. Trailer IGN VIDEO FEATURE To initiate the Hearthfire content, simply travel to the cities of Dawnstar, Falkreath or Morthal and speak to the steward there. Ask about purchasing a house and they will prompt you with the 5000 gold fee, handing over a deed to your plot of land. Note that certain quests must be completed before the Jarl will like you enough to sell you the land. Dawnstar: A Waking Nightmare, Kill the Giant ( Radiant). Hjallmarch: Laid to Rest. Falkreath: Fetch Black Briar Mead, Kill the Bandit Leader ( Radiant). Follow your map marker to your new plot of land where a set of working fixtures and a book with the basics is waiting for you. Inside the chest are some materials, as well as a pile of logs behind you, enough to get you started on your house, creating a small shack with the raw materials.  Additionally you can purchase lumber, stone, and clay from your Housecarl if you make him/her your steward once you have become the Thane for Dawnstar, Falkreath, or Morthal. Hearthfire also adds the option to adopt children, adding several orphaned child NPC's to the game, as well as sending the children of any slain NPC's to Honorhall Orphanage in Riften. You can build space in your Hearthfire house, or.
Release Date 2012 June 26 (360) 2012 August 2 ( PC) 2013 Feb 26 ( PS3) Platform(s) Xbox 360, PC, PS3 Price , 1600 MSP Developer Bethesda Soft Works Publisher Bethesda Rating M ( ESRB)16+ ( PEGI) RP ( CERO) File Size  512 MB The first major The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim expansion pack comes in the form of Dawnguard, and is all about Vampires. This new expansion brings all-new content to Skyrim. New Stuff.and more! Getting Started From the press release: Once Dawnguard is installed, if you’re level 10 or higher you’ll hear rumors about the Dawnguard from guards in major cities. You may also be approached by a courier who will give you a note about the Dawnguard. Otherwise, if your character is below level 10 or you wish to find the Dawnguard on your own, you can seek out the Dawnguard headquarters roughly east/southeast of Riften. It can be reached by a small cave through the mountains. The small cave-like entrance is called Dayspring Canyon and is located here: Alter Your Appearance A new NPC in the Ragged Flaggon of Riften will allow your character's facial features to be modified. Other aspects like race and gender cannot be changed. You cannot change your appearance while you are a Vampire Lord. When Do I Choose Sides? Every to-be Dawnguard acolyte or Vampire Lord begins by visiting The Dawnguard in their home at Fort Dawnguard. It isn't until Bloodline that you can align yourself with any one side. Quests In this Dawnguard expansion, the player has the option to join The Dawnguard, an elite sect of vampire hunters, or Lord Harkon's prestigious lineage of Vampire Lords. To begin, you will need to be at least level 10 to catch word of The Dawnguard. You can speak to a guard in town, preferably Riften to initiate the first Dawnguard Quest. If you're below level 10 and want to dig right into the heart of this new expansion immediately, you can still reach The Dawnguard but.
  Last Edit: 3 days 8 hours ago Release Date 2011 November 11 Platform(s) PC, Xbox 360, Play Station 3 Developer Bethesda Game Studios Publisher Bethesda Softworks Official Site Community Sites Planet Elder Scrolls The Empire of Tamriel is on the edge. The High King of Skyrim has been murdered. Alliances form as claims to the throne are made. In the midst of this conflict, a far more dangerous, ancient evil is awakened. The Dragons, long lost to the passages of the Elder Scrolls, have returned to Tamriel. The future of Skyrim, even the Empire itself, hangs in the balance as they wait for the prophesized Dragonborn to come; a hero born with the power of The Voice, and the only one who can stand amongst the dragons. Interactive Map of Skyrim We've added an interactive map of Skyrim to the wiki. It can help you find things like Marriage Partners, Caves and Word Walls. Get the Skyrim App Turn your i Pad into a portable Skyrim encyclopedia. IGN's Skryim wiki and interactive map are now available as an app for your i Phone and i Pad, available in the i Tunes App Store. As a supplemental tool to this wiki, check out IGN's Skill Builder, where you can freely dump points toward your Perks to plot out the best build for your character. Play around with it and share your super build with the world! Character Building (see all) Basics (see all) General Tips Leveling Guide Combat Marriage Universe (see all) Cities Notable People Guilds Secrets (see all) Bugs and Glitches Cheats PC Console Cheats Achievements / Trophies Skyrim Merchandise DLC dual-wielded, losing the ability to block; with a shield, providing an increased defense; or with a spell, giving you a choice between an added offensive option or a defensive fallback.  When duel wielding take care to come in and out of the foes reach just long enough for the swing to connect and you can escape with not a scratch. Two- Handed Weapons[edit] Battle axes, greatswords, and warhammers. Though slower and heavier than their one-handed counterparts, these weapons do much more damage than using a one-handed weapon or even dual-wielding. Though in damage per second One- Handed.
Small House Layout After buying your plot of land, it's time to build your house! There will be Materials shipped there for you to get started building your home. There is already enough for you to make the smallest version of what could be a great manor.  Drafting Table This is where you draw out what you plan to build before actually building it. You'll want to start here by selecting the Small House, at which point a few stakes and a string marking where your house will appear in the land behind you. Carpenter's Workbench This is where you actually build your home. Gather the materials you need from the chest nearby; all the Quarried Stone, Iron and Corundum, and four (4) Clay. If you want to save time you should now enter the Anvil and divide the ingots as so: 3 Iron - 10 Nails each 1 Iron - 2 Hinges 1 Iron - 1 Fittings 1 Iron and 1 Corundum - 1 Lock Now you will be able to make your first home! Enter the Carpenter's Workbench and lay the foundations. After the final component, the roof, is built, you will be able to make this your humble abode or convert it into an entryway after you add the Main Hall. If you do choose to furnish it now, be warned, converting the space into an entryway will remove any furnishings. So plan ahead. But if you prefer to live in a more modest home, heres what you'll need to furnish it: 11 Sawn Logs 1 Quarried Stone 9 Iron Ingots 4 Leather Strips 2 Goat Horns 2 Straw 1 Glass Before beginning, you should smith most of those Ingots into these: 20 Nails 4 Iron Fittings 2 Hinges EXTERIOR ADDITIONS Now that you have a house, several new exterior options become available for you via the Carpenter's Workbench. Addition: Materials: Garden 1 Sawn Log Stable 3 Sawn Log, 5 Nails Animal Pen 1 Sawn Log Grindstone 1 Quarried Stone, 1 Sawn Log, 1 Iron Fittings Smelter 2 Iron Fittings, 5 Iron Ingots, 6 Clay, 4 Quarried Stone.