Introductory lectures on psychoanalysis pdf free download

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View the summary of this work Author Freud, Sigmund, Subjects Psychoanalysis.; Freud, Sigmund,.; Psychoanalytic interpretation. Audience General Summary Though it has now fallen out of favor among many practitioners and scholars, Freud's concept of psychoanalysis - an approach that focuses primarily on adverse events in early childhood and irrational drives that are overcome via extended talk therapy - was and continues to be enormously influential, not only in the realm of psychology, but also in the larger culture. This volume offers a comprehensive overview of psychoanalysis from the point of view of the field's creator. Bookmark Work ID 2118486 User activity.
  3124 INTRODUCTORY LECTURES ON PSYCHO- ANALYSIS (1916-17)   3125 Intentionally left blank   3126 PREFACEWhat I am here offering the public as an ‘ Introduction to Psycho- Analysis’ is not designed to compete in anyway with such general accounts of this field of knowledge as are already in existence, e.g. those of Hitschmann (1913 Pfister (1913 Kaplan (1914 Régis and Hesnard (1914) and Meijer (1915). Thisvolume is a faithful reproduction of the lectures which I delivered during the two Winter Terms 1915/16 and1916/17 before an audience of doctors and laymen of both sexes. Any peculiarities of this book which may strike its readers are accounted for by the conditions in which itoriginated. It was not possible in my presentation to preserve the unruffled calm of a scientific treatise. Onthe contrary, the lecturer had to make it his business to prevent his audience’s attention from lapsing duringa session lasting for almost two hours. The necessities of the moment often made it impossible to avoidrepetitions in treating some particular subject - it might emerge once, for instance, in connection withdream-interpretation and then again later on in connection with the problems of the neuroses. As a result,too, of the way in which the material was arranged, some important topics (the unconscious, for instance)could not be exhaustively treated at a single point, but had to be taken up repeatedly and then droppedagain until a fresh opportunity arose for adding some further information about it. Those who are familiar with psycho-analytic literature will find little in this ‘ Introduction’ that could not havebeen known to them already from other much more detailed publications. Nevertheless, the need forrounding-off and summarizing the subject-matter has compelled the author at certain points (the aetiologyof anxiety and hysterical phantasies) to bring forward material that he.