Love and hip hop atlanta reunion part 2 mr yardie

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Live Performances Interviews Music Videos Privacy Policy Mr. World Premiere > Uncategorized > Love probably the most genuine I’ve ever felt she was. H. C. Yall act like yall dont know Lisa is OVER THE TOP. Lol, shes been over the top all season Jay Croix What I meant was that the one moment where she seemed like her feelings were hurt, she seemed like they were truly hurt. Oh, she turns up when she needs to lol. peep game i thought when lisa and paula hugged that lisa was gon punch paula down lol Camarra Matt I was hoping is that wrong of me jodyna Me too LOL Tha Truthful1 Well it would have been well deserved considering the shit Paula has done. peep game did it look like she was holding back to you too? Tha Truthful1 Like who? peep game did it look like lisa was holding back from bombing on paula to you? Tha Truthful1 My bad, yes she did. Jay Croix Maya must have watched most of the season because she seemed to “try” to tone down her antics during this reunion. Paris Ambitious Girl Clarke She is so fake and so manipulative and I do not for one minute believe she likes Countess or Lisa wu, she is only acting this way because of all the backlash from the first season. At least Elise didn’t change.
The Kingis Coming Shar Lynnette The Kingis Coming i Am God Jr Shar Lynnette No I understand this perspective. Reality TV is another distraction right from the enemy, it keeps us busy. If we keep our TVs on, we don’t find our purpose, we don’t seek God, we remain carnal individuals or become more carnal and so forth. It opens the door to many evils that people are completely unaware of. I’m very aware of that though. This in particular is called the spirit of distraction and I’m well studied on it. However, I’m not sure if you watch on a regular basis, but if you do, then it’s impossible to watch and not be affected by it. I can admit bad TV/ Movies is vice of mine, but if you watch in disgust yet still makes you a participant as well no matter how you swing it. Do not be mislead, bad company corrupts good character. 1 Cor 15:33. So is there really a need to watch the whole thing just to rebuke, you know before watching that it’s bad, but if you continue to view it. Why? What’s in you that kept you watching, because it doubt if it’s more than once that it’s innocence. If you watch then you open the door to things you don’t want as well. So it doesn’t leave room for rebuking or judgement because you participated. unfortunatelysoulful Wonder Woman15 Alex Live Performances Interviews Music Videos Privacy Policy Mr. World Premiere > Uncategorized > Black Ink Crew Season 3 Episode 13 Alternate Link ← Previous post Next post → kkola wood its finally back ludz didnt know this was returning tonight.big up yardie Chelsey 5 minutes in & Quanni is annoying me. Puma also. Wasn’t nobody threatening you ma, FOH. Why they still filming them they not even Black Ink nomore UGH. Mac Price Exactly! I believe they are using some type of drug(s). Amara Bowman They are! A family member of mine knows the cast personally She might be in the show at one of their parties this season.