Naval clash admiral edition 4pda

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Что в детстве не выдумывали, чтобы скоротать скучное и длинное время на уроках. Одним из забавных развлечений был выдающийся морской бой, в который играли практически все ученики в школах, а некоторые продолжают и на парах в универах. И вот он снова вернулся, только теперь на мобильных платформах, что делает его еще популярнее и доступнее. Отличная версия старого морского боя Naval Clash Admiral Edition для Android имеет красивую рисованную графику, три увлекательных возрастающих уровня игры от матроса до славного адмирала и возможность онлайн игры. Вы можете играть с миллионами геймеров в интернете и добыть величественное звание адмирала морских битв. Скачать взломанную версию Naval Clash Admiral Edition на Андроид Посетители также скачивали: World at Arms Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation Sprinkle Majesty: Королевский Симулятор Fieldrunners HD.
Naval Clash Admiral Edition for Android The Battleship of the day when computers were still huge Play classic battleship game from your childhood, just like it might had you played it in your maths book at school. Sink enemy ships, collect stars and earn ranks, become Admiral of the Fleet! Setup your battleships, then fight against your droid or on the Net with people all over the world. For those who missed this fun earlier - the objective of this guess and shoot game is to find and sink all enemy ships. New ( Hotseat mode. Play together on one phone Nexus 7 and Full HD tablets support Play with friends online Blacklist your enemies Features: Stunning hand drawn graphics. Eight national seamen drawn for you. See screenshots Stars and ranks for each victory, from seaman to Admiral of the fleet. Single player fights with your Android. Three difficulty levels of Android AI to suit you best. Multiplayer clashes via bluetooth Hotseat mode. If your friend doesn't have Android device, now you can play together on your phone with hotseat mode. Worldwide battles on the Web Play with friends online or let the game choose from random rivals Blacklist unwanted rivals In-game chat with your rival Favorite ship formations. Save your fleet and reuse it later Fast sequential shooting mode. Mark your shots, don't wait for your rival Enemy field view on defeat Global star ratings and high scores Multiple user profiles and its migration across your phones Support for Honeycomb and ICS tablets App2 SD The Game designed for smartphones with Android 2.x or higher. Honeycomb and ICS tablets support playing in portrait mode. Compare features of Admiral Edition and a free version of Naval Clash: Feature Naval Clash Free edition Naval Clash Admiral Edition Fights with Droid Three difficulty levels for Droid game- Multiplayer clashes via bluetooth Play together on one phone.