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System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

a Department of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu Taiwanb Department of Electrical Engineering, Tamkang University, Taipei Taiwanc Department of Information Systems and Applications, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu Taiwand Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei Taiwan Available online Many e-book applications have been available on the mobile devices in the recent decade. People read the electronic contents on their mobile devices. Meanwhile, a variety of mobile device platforms have emerged in the market. To make the e-book content compatible on different mobile device platforms, the layout or e-book application design needs to be adjusted based on the display resolution. However, different resolution settings are available in the mobile devices. For example, Android can runs on a variety of devices that offer different screen sizes. Android also can support different resolutions from 320*240 to 1280*720. Hence, the resolution becomes a critical problem for e-book content provider. Besides, image scaling is another problem for e-book applications. If the e-book application load bitmap images as its contents, the bitmap contents may be distorted when user scales up the size of contents or images. Therefore, the different resolutions and image scaling are two important issues in the design of e-book application. Vector graphic library can solve the above problems. However, vector graphic has bad performance in mobile devices and just few e-book contents are available in vector graphic format. Hence, file format conversion is another high-cost task in e-book with vector graphic. This paper proposes a cloud system integrating an e-book reader with vector graphic technology, called Cloud VG. Cloud VG optimizes the vector graphic library through a Renderscript.
This is very easy fix. The sample report templates have a combined city state zip field that uses a script to display the city, state and zip so there is a standard space between each on the line. The script incorrectly is using the datafield APOSTAL when it should have used APOSTALZIP To fix, do the following: 1. Open up the report template via the Report Designer (tutorial - how to customize an existing report template - see the Help file  2. Click on the combined city state zip datafield (refer to the tutorial on how to customize an existing script but instead select for the combined city state postal - see the Help file 3. As shown in the tutorial in 2 above, edit the script itself - where it presently says APOSTAL, edit so that it says APOSTALZIP for example, in the 8160 AVERY label report template, in the script xr Label4. Text = string. Format( 0 1 2, Get Current Column Value( ACITY Get Current Column Value( ASTATEPROV Get Current Column Value( APOSTAL edit instead so it says xr Label4. Text = string. Format( 0 1 2, Get Current Column Value( ACITY Get Current Column Value( ASTATEPROV Get Current Column Value( APOSTALZIP 4. If you now click on the Preview panel in the report designer, you will now see that the postal / zip now shows on your label. 5. Save the report template and exit the designer 6. Print as normal - see the Help file.
Image and announcement source: Software Studies Note: In the Spirt of the commons Lev Manovich makes available online his latest book. Release notes from the book’s website follow below. —- DOWNLOAD THE BOOK: format: PDF. VERSION: November 20, 2008. Please note that this version has not been proofread yet, and it is also missing illustrations. Length: 82,071 Words (including footnotes). Software Takes Command by Lev Manovich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial- No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Please notify me if you want to reprint any parts of the book. ABOUT THE VERSIONS: One of the advantages of online distribution which I can control is that I don’t have to permanently fix the book’s contents. Like contemporary software and web services, the book can change as often as I like, with new “features” and “big fixes” added periodically. I plan to take advantage of these possibilities. From time to time, I will be adding new material and making changes and corrections to the text. LATEST VERSION: Check for the latest version of the book. SUGGESTIONS, CORRECTIONS AND COMMENTS: send to with the word “softbook” in the email header.