Net 3 5 sp1 download windows 2012 language pack

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

I want to install. NET framework 3.5 on a couple of machines that do not have internet access. If I install the no internet access -package it still wants to download something. How can I figure out what is missing? Are there other installation packages? Edit: I would present screenshots but I cannot upload anything from here and the shots would be in german. So I present only the text translated back to english. Installing the full redistributable package : At the bottom of the license agreement page it display this text: Size of download file: 67 MB Appoximate download time: 2h 44min (56 KBit/s) 18min (512 KBit/s) It shows the text even if I installed Windows Installer 3.1. After agreeing it displays the Download and Installation Status - Dialog with a progress bar labeled Download: and Status: Connection to server attempted (try X of 5). Total Download Status: 56 MB/67 MB I tried it in a VM with no network connection. It tries 5 times while the progress bar shows progress. Later the progress bar is labeled Installation. Even later it reports problems during setup and provides two buttons Send Report Later and Don't Send. Now here it comes: Setup completed and Microsoft. NET Framework 3.5 has been deinstalled successfully. ( Emphasis is mine) It is recommended to install current service packs and security updates. More information at Windows Update (link). Edit2: Installed Service Pack 3, but still no success.
You can download the Windows Server 2012 trial version to get an ISO with the required source files. Mount the ISO with the inbox ISO mounting and run DISM to install. Net 3.5: dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename: Net FX3 / Source:d:\sources\sxs / Limit Access If it fails, also try to run this Update before trying to activate. Net 3.5: Update for the. NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 R2 This removes 2 security updates which may prevent setup of. Net 3.5.
Microsoft. NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Language Pack contain translated text, such as error messages, for each language.
 The. NET Framework is an integral part of many applications running on Windows and provides common functionality for those applications to run. For developers, the. NET Framework provides a consistent programming model for building applications. if you are using the Windows operating system, the. NET Framework may already be installed on your computer. Specifically, the. NET Framework 4.5 is included with Windows 8, the. NET Framework is included with Windows 8.1 and the. NET Framework 4.6 is included with Windows 10. The. NET Framework 3.5, however, is not automatically installed with Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, and must be separately enabled to run applications that depend on it. This must happen through Windows Update, which is invoked in one of three ways. All of these require an Internet connection: During installation you may encounter error 0x800f0906, 0x800f0907, or 0x800f081f, in which case refer to. NET Framework 3.5 installation error: 0x800f0906, 0x800f0907, or 0x800f081f. Note that these are possibly resolved by installing security update 3005628. If any of the above methods fail, or if you do not have an Internet connection, it is necessary to use your Windows installation media. For details, see Method 3 for error 0x800f0906 in the. NET Framework 3.5 installation error article. If you do not have installation media, see Create Installation media for Windows 8.1. Important notes: In general, do not uninstall any versions of the. NET Framework from your computer. Different apps depend on different versions of the framework and multiple versions of the. NET Framework can be loaded on a single computer at the same time. The. NET Framework 3.5 is also used by apps built for versions 2.0 and 3.0. Installing a Windows language pack before installing the. NET Framework 3.5 may cause the. NET Framework 3.5 installation to fail. Install the. NET.