Net domain forspecific language

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

As a practical matter, you can't write a tool that accepts real natural language and maps it to working code. Nobody knows how to do this. ( Hence C instead of English). The best you can hope for is a stilted set of phrases (much like the BRML you exhibited which always has the advantage of being better defined, and a lot harder for business users to learn because they don't (want to) know what to say to start, let alone what the limits of expressiveness are. Any artificial language you invent with a stilted vocabulary focused in a problem area is by definition a domain specific langauge. The real arguments are, what range of activities does your language need to encompass? How educable are your business users (if they can code, I wonder about the characterization of them as business users )? Do they agree on the range of things they are willing to say (bet not). If you need fully general computation, you're going to end up with a typical computer language (actually worse, because you'll end up sandcastling on programming features, producing a truly ugly baby). If you can narrow the scope a lot, you might end with something useful. The question is, can you design such a language, which is better than the BRML you intend to displace, for what the users expect to be able to do? [ I have no opinions about how good ILOG's BRML is, but you have to assume they've been trying to solve this problem for awhile, and since they still exist, they must not have a stupid solution]. If you are confident you can, then you can use parser-based code generator tools to implement the DSL. Its quite the experiment; if you start now you won't know for a year if your approach is successful, and it might fail. Good language design, whether procedural, or DSL, is hard. What usually happens with workable DSLs is they manage to address an interesting part of the original problem, leaving the.
There are a lot of modules for Drupal. One of them, Domain Access, enables multiple different domains on a single Drupal site and allows setting different variable values for each domain. Another of them, Internationalization, allows different variable values for each language. What was missing was a mechanism to handle that variables consistently and then allowing to mix these two 'variable realms' setting specific values for specific combinations of Domain and Language. That is possible now with Domain Variable module which, building on the Variable module API, the Domain Access module and the Internationalization module provides support for all possible combinations of languages and domains for your variables. We are going to see how we can set up different variable values for each domain and for each language or for each combination of domain and language. Multilingual domain variables - Variable modules We are going to need some basic modules of the Variable collection and the Variable Admin module just to be able to see some more details. Multilingual domain variables - Enable modules First of all we need to download and install the modules from Variable, Domain Access and Internationalization packages. Enable Domain+i18n variables integration and it will take care of all the dependencies. The Variable Admin module is needed only if you want to see some additional pages at the end. Multilingual domain variables - Select domain variables We can select the variables to be edited for each domain. This feature is provided by the Variable Domain module in combination with the Variable Realm API. Once you select the variables you can set a different value for them for each of your domains. Multilingual domain variables - Select translatable variables Using the Internationalization module we select the variables that we want to be multilingual. Note we are selecting.
A resource file is an XML file that contains the strings that you want to translate into different languages or paths to images. The resource file contains key/value pairs. Each pair is an individual resource. Key names are not case sensitive. For example, a resource file might contain a resource with the key Button1 and the value Submit. You create a separate resource file for each language (for example, English and French) or for a language and culture (for example English [ U. K.], English [ U. S.]). Each localized resource file has the same key/value pairs; the only difference is that a localized resource file can contain fewer resources than the default resource file. The built-in language fallback process then handles loading the neutral or default resource. Resource files in ASP. NET have an.resx extension. At run time, the.resx file is compiled into an assembly, which is sometimes referred to as a satellite assembly. Because the.resx files are compiled dynamically, like ASP. NET Web pages, you do not have to create the resource assemblies. The compilation condenses several similar-language resource files into the same assembly. When you create resource files, you start by creating a base.resx file. For each language that you want to support, create a new file that has the same file name. But in the name, include the language or the language and culture (culture name). For a list of culture names, see the Culture Info class. For example, you might create the following files: Web Resources.resx The base resource file. This is the default (fallback) resource file. Web A resource file for Spanish. Web A resource file for Spanish ( Mexico) specifically. Web  A resource file for German. At run time, ASP. NET uses the resource file that is the best match for the setting of the Current UICulture property. The UI.