Net framework 2 0 software development kit (sdk)

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Installing. NET Framework 2.0 SDK This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install Microsoft. NET Framework 2.0 SDK, which can be used as the programming environment for C language. The best environment to do C programming at this time is Microsoft's. NET Framework 2.0 SDK. It is freely available from Microsoft Web site. You can follow these steps to download and install. NET Framework 2.0 SDK: 1. Go to 2. Click Download. NET Framework 2.0 SDK x86 version link in the. NET Framework 2.0 SDK section. The. NET Framework 2.0 Software Development Kit ( SDK) (x86) page shows up. 3. Click the Download button next to File Name: setup.exe; Size: 354.0 MB. Save the file to C:\temp\setup.exe. The file size is large. The download will some time to finish. 4. Double click the downloaded C:\temp\setup.exe. The Microsoft. NET Framework 2.0 SDK Setup window shows up. 5. Click Next and follow setup instructions to finish the installation. 6. Open a command window and try the C Sharp compiler: C:\herong\csharp>\ WINDOWS\ Microsoft. NET\ Framework\v 7\csc.exe Microsoft ( R) Visual C 2005 Compiler version 7.3053 for Microsoft ( R) Windows ( R) 2005 Framework version 7 Copyright ( C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. fatal error CS2008: No inputs specified Cool. NET Framework 2.0 SDK is installed correctly. To avoid typing the full path name, you can put the following path in the PATH environment variable: C:\ WINDOWS\ Microsoft. NET\ Framework\v 7 Last update: 2010. Table of Contents About This Book ► Introduction of C ( C Sharp) What Is C? ► Installing. NET Framework 2.0 SDK Installing. NET Framework 1.0 SDK First Program in C 1.0 C Program Structure Data Type and Variables Logical Expressions and Conditional Statements Arrays and Loop Statements Data Type Features.
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Includes tools, documentation and samples developers need to write, build, test, and deploy. NET Framework applications. NET Framework 2.0 SDK includes a large collection of tools required by developers that want to create applications for the Windows platform. You can use these resources in order to build and to test. NET Framework projects on your computer. The. NET Framework is the core component for multiple applications built for computers that run on Windows. It has the advantage of supporting a large number of programming languages that can be compiled into assemblies and used as parts of the same program. The framework includes class libraries that enable the programmer to write less code when designing a component using Visual Studio. This SDK intends to ease their activity even further by providing documentation and samples that exemplify some of the framework capabilities. You can use the libraries and classes in this package to create programs while the compilers help you package the final version and prepare it for deployment. The other tools included by the SDK might be useful for testing the full functionality of your project. The documentation provides you with basic information on project development and detailed description on how to use the included components. The novice developers can use it for expanding their knowledge on the. NET development process. While. NET Framework 2.0 SDK is useful for the developers that use the 2.0 version of the. NET Framework, it is recommended to use one of its successors such as the Windows SDK. The latest version ensures you that the designed applications are compatible with the recent versions of the Windows operating system. Although, there are other development kits available, the. NET Framework 2.0 SDK can still be useful for the developers that need to improve older applications.
The Microsoft. NET Framework Software Development Kit ( SDK) version 2.0 includes tools, documentation and samples developers need to write, build, test, and deploy. NET Framework applications on x86 platforms.