Net framework 2008 download v4 0

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Microsoft. NET Framework 3.5 is a recent development platform designed to help developers build new Windows apps. The programme builds on the previous Framework 2.0 and Framework 3.0 and features all the programmes you could need to run. NET-based systems on your PC. These include. NET Framework 2.0 service pack 1, and. NET Framework 3.0 service pack 1, as well as optimised HTML and CSS and management support for Windows. The. NET Framework is commonly used to boost all complex applications in Windows, and there are many new features added to the 3.5 version, including full support for tooling in Visual Studio 2008, and new workflow-enabled services; new web protocol support for WCF building; and deep integration of data awareness and Language Integrated Query. The latter will allow users with Framework 3.5 to write LINQ-enabled code, making it easier to filter and create Data Sets and collections using the same syntax. There are also vital improvements made to the CLR (common language runtime) and improved start-up and Windows Presentation Foundation ( WPF) performance. Pro's: Easy to install, and doesn't require any configuration Uses Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Server 2008 Con's: Installation requires system restart. Requires 500 MB of space to download Conclusion: It seems Microsoft has taken many customer requests into account when constructing the. NET Framework 3.5, although it's still not perfect, it's come a long way from the 2.0. Many of the new features have been included as new assemblies to prevent breaking any major changes. The LINQ-enabled coding features will be especially valuable to many users, and overall Framework 3.5 will help create a more interactive, personalised web experience. While easy to install it can be a little slow, but once up and running it's easy to operate. The. NET Framework is a technology that supports.
by Lewis Leong lewisleong) Windows 8 is out today and many users are excited to get their hands on it. This latest operating. See more Bloated i Tunes needs a lite version by Nick Mead Do you remember the days when music applications were just for playing erm, music? i Tunes has evolved. See more.
This is Update for Microsoft. NET Framework 4 containing a set of new features addressing top customer feature requests and important. NET Framework scenarios.
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