Outlast dlc 2

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

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I’ve known for awhile now that Outlast developer Red Barrels had begun working on a mystery horror game, seemingly immediately after wrapping up Outlast: Whistleblower. I didn’t know what it was until today, but that didn’t make the wait to share this exciting bit of news with all of you any less excruciating. Outlast is one of my new favorite horror games, and at some point in the future it will get a sequel. We won’t know much about it until development is a little further along, so until then we’ll have to make due with the few precious details Red Barrels co-founder Philippe Morin was able to share with me for this exclusive reveal. BD: Between the release of Outlast and its Whistleblower expansion, it’s been an exciting year for Red Barrels. You’ve left an indelible mark on the horror genre and made an impressive debut for such a new studio. What did it feel like being able to wrap up the story of Mount Massive Asylum? We always intended to do a DLC for Outlast. It made sense production-wise to do it, because the programmers would be busy working on the PS4 and XB1 ports, so we couldn’t jump on a new project right away. Right from the start, we had a few ideas of what the DLC could be, but it was only a few weeks after shipping the game on PC that we decided exactly what we were going to do. We took some time to gather all the feedback we could find and decided that the DLC needed to start before the events of Outlast, but end after them. For Outlast, we always wanted a dramatic ending, but we wanted something different for Whistleblower. Although both games have a different protagonists, we approached it as if it was one journey, because after all, it’s more about the player. Some of us spent 3 years inside that Asylum. We started working on our trailer to help us find the money back in February 2011 and we shipped the game on XB1 back in June 2014, so the.
Outlast is a first-person survival horror video game developed and published by Canadian video game developer Red Barrels. The game revolves around a freelance investigative journalist, Miles Upshur, who decides to investigate a remote psychiatric hospital situated deep in the mountains of Lake County, Colorado. The Whistleblower DLC centers on Waylon Park, the man who led Miles there in the first place. Outlast was released for Microsoft Windows on September 4, 2013 and on February 4, 2014 for Play Station 4. Outlast generally received positive reviews from critics and it was praised for its horror elements and gameplay. Linux and OS X versions were released on March 31, 2015.[1] Contents 1 Gameplay 2 Plot 3 Music/ Sounds 4 Release 4.1 Whistleblower downloadable content DLC Plot 5 Reception 6 Outlast II 7 References 8 External links Gameplay[edit] Outlast centers around a story driven survival campaign told in first-person narrative and set in a dilapidated psychiatric hospital overrun by homicidal patients.[2] Its presentation is similar to the found footage genre popularized in horror films.[3] The protagonist, reporter Miles Upshur, is incapable of combat, except for scripted sequences allowing him to shove enemies out of his way. Without any traditional weapons, players have to navigate the facility's ransacked environment with parkour: vaulting over low obstacles, crawling, and sliding through narrow gaps.[4] In addition, Miles may survive encounters with assailants by hiding inside staff lockers or under beds; more intelligent opponents may search the room for an allocated period before moving on.[5] Miles carries with him only a notebook and a camcorder, with which he plans to document the horrors within the asylum. It has a night vision option for use in the asylum's many unlit sections. Use of the IR mode consumes batteries, which must be scavenged and.
Outlast – gra komputerowa z gatunku survival horror przedstawiona w perspektywie pierwszoosobowej, stworzona i wydana przez kanadyjskie studio Red Barrels. Światowa premiera odbyła się 4 września 2013 roku[2]. W październiku 2014 jeden z pracowników wówczas dwunastoosobowego studia Red Barrels potwierdził rozpoczęcie prac nad sequelem noszącym tytuł Outlast 2[3]. Spis treści 1 Rozgrywka 2 Odbiór gry 3 Whistleblower 4 Przypisy 5 Linki zewnętrzne Rozgrywka[edytuj] Świat przedstawiono z perspektywy pierwszoosobowej[2]. Głównym bohaterem jest reporter Miles Upshur. Odwiedza on szpital psychiatryczny o nazwie „ Mount Massive Asylum” w Kolorado, przez długi czas opuszczony i ponownie otwarty w 2009 roku[4]. W przypadku konfrontacji z wrogiem bohater jest bezbronny. Widoczność w ciemnych miejscach możliwa jest dzięki kamerze z noktowizorem, w której baterie ulegają wyczerpaniu. O fabule gracz dowiaduje się ze znajdowanych notatek i dokumentów[5]; napotyka ciała pracowników i pacjentów, jednak ci pozostali przy życiu są obłąkani i nie mogą służyć pomocą w kwestii fabuły. W grze występuje duża ilość scen gore. Ze względu na brak broni rozgrywka sprowadza się głównie do ucieczki i ukrywania się, niekiedy odnajdywania przełączników, kluczy czy kart dostępu[2]. Odbiór gry[edytuj] Gra spotkała się z pozytywnymi reakcjami recenzentów, uzyskując według agregatora Metacritic średnią ocen 80/100 punktów[6] oraz 79,95% według serwisu Game Rankings[7]. Redaktor strony Gry- Online, Tomasz Chmielik, pochwalił atmosferę rozgrywki i fabułę, natomiast skrytykował wygląd modeli postaci oraz błędy w grze[8]. Whistleblower[edytuj] ukazał się oficjalny dodatek ( DLC) do gry Outlast, noszący tytuł Whistleblower (pol. donosiciel). Podobnie jak podstawowa część przeznaczony jest na komputery osobiste i PS4[4]. Jest to prequel gry. Przedstawia historię z punktu widzenia pracownika zakładu.
 Whistleblower has other uses. Please see Whistleblower ( Disambiguation) for other meanings.  People want us to keep trying to scare them! We’re more than happy to oblige. And we will scare the shit out of them. ― Philippe Morin revealing the DLC. Outlast: Whistleblower (also known as Outlast: Story DLC) is a downloadable content ( DLC) for the first person survival-horror video game, Outlast, developed and published by Red Barrels Games. The game starts as a prequel to Outlast, revealing the reasons behind Mount Massive Asylum's outbreak, while simultaneously overlapping with the main story to reveal its conclusion from the previous cliffhanger. It was released for Play Station 4 and PC on May 6th, 2014, and for Xbox One on June 19th, 2014. Gameplay Similar to its predecessor, combat is impossible and the player must either run or hide from their enemies in order to stay alive. The players can hide in various spots in order to avoid their pursuers, such as nearby lockers, bellow beds, in various corners or simply blending in with the darkness. Closing doors will impede enemies and squeezing through small spaces can lose them. Certain scripted events will require a specific action from the player. The only item the player has access to is his camcorder, which is automatically acquired after the main character breaks out of his holding cell. The camcorder is battery operated and comes with a night vision function which is used to navigate through dark areas. Batteries can be found in various spots, usually nearby electronic devices, such as radios, Walkie-talkies, etc. While the camcorder is up and filming, the character will write his thoughts in a notebook. Along the game, the player can pick up various documents, scattered throughout the asylum, that provide a background story for some of the characters. The documents appear as blue folders with CONFIDENTIAL stamped on.