Patch for fire emblem shadow dragon minerva

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Is there a way to recruit Minerva in Ch. 7? I'm currently on the chapter and I just wanted to know. If it is possible to recruit her, which character do I use to talk to her? 7 years ago Accepted Answer Thunder Man answered: Nope. She's recruited in chapter 10, first you recruit her sister, Maria. After recruiting her sister, she'll move towards Marth (and she will attack your units if you get in her way). You can kill her in this chapter for some EXP. 7 years ago 0 0 Answers Rocketomy answered: No. 7 years ago 0 0 The_ Akatsuki5 answered: Nope, you gotta wait until the chapter with her sister in it. 7 years ago 0 0 This question has been successfully answered and closed To ask or answer questions, please log in or register for free.
Da_ J answered: You can't recruit any of them when you first meet them, but they can all be recruited eventually. Minerva can be recruited by Marth on Chapter 10 only after you have rescued Maria. Before turn 5 begins on Chapter 14, Catria and Palla will appear. Marth can recruit them, and they will automatically talk to him if in range. Est appears after 5 turns on Chapter 18, and she is also recruited by Marth. 7 years ago 2 0.