Sonic the hedgehog 2 gba rom 16 bit sonic retro

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Cheat Codes These are cheat codes which can be accessed by inputting button sequences or by various other methods. Note: in cheat codes, + signifies that the buttons must be held simultaneously. Zone Select: Play songs 19, 65, 09, 17 on the options screen, + on title screen. 14 Continues: Play songs 01, 01, 02, 04 on the options screen. An incorrect sound command is issued, causing OOZ music to continue playing until a reset. Super Sonic: Play songs 04, 01, 02, 06 on the zone select sound test, an emerald sound triggers, select zone, hold until Sonic appears. Debug mode + Slow-motion/ Restart: Play songs 01, 09, 09, 02, 01, 01, 02, 04 on the zone select sound test, a ring sound triggers, select zone, hold until Sonic appears. Super Sonic + Debug: Play songs 01, 09, 09, 02, 01, 01, 02, 04, 01, 02, 06 on the zone select sound test, a ring sound triggers after 04 and an emerald sound triggers after 06, select zone, hold until Sonic appears. Change Tails' name to Miles on game HUD: Press at the title screen. In the Japanese version this will change Miles name to Tails instead. Shadow/ Highlight (aka night mode To enable the VDP Shadow/ Highlight feature, aka night mode, enter the Level Select screen, enable Debug Mode, select a level, and press +. In-level Functions Debug NOTE: Debug mode does not work when you play as Tails in this game, even though the counters for debug mode are still intact here. Press to toggle normal and debug mode. Press to advance forward through the debug object list. Press + to advance backwards through the debug object list. Press to place the selected object at the current coordinates. Current coordinates are designated by the top line of hex digits in the HUD. Viewport coordinates are designated by the bottom line of hex digits in the HUD. In the Sonic 2 prototype, the bottom line represents two things: the left word is the timer in seconds.
Sonic the Hedgehog GBA is a port by Stealth of the original Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Mega Drive to the Game Boy Advance. The proof of concept ROM was created in early 2007 as a direct counter to Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis, SEGA's official port of Sonic 1 to the Game Boy Advance. The game features an enhanced Sonic the Hedgehog with the Spin Dash ability, Tails and Knuckles as playable characters (by holding + or + at the title screen, respectively) and goes through the three acts of Green Hill Zone and the first 2 Special Stages. A partially complete Labyrinth Zone can be accessed by pressing + at the title screen. In-game you can access Debug Mode by pressing the button. Downloads Download Sonic the Hedgehog GBA File: Sonic 1 GBA.rar (3.85 MB) (info) External Links Release thread on Sonic Retro.
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