The good wife 6 8 season 4

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Diane: What else did your friend say about Creary? Cary: You mean my ex-friend? Well, since Creary's divorce, he's been struggling with alcohol. Diane: Going to AA? Cary: Yes. Why? Will: Are we sure we want to go there? Diane: I don't know. If you go nuclear, don't leave missiles in your silo. Eli: Why aren't you reading your e-mails? I sent you three e-mails today. Alicia: I am reading my e-mails. Eli: Just not mine? Alicia: Well, I always know when it's important, you'll seek me out, and. here you are. Laura: But it's no secret you've had troubles this past year. You were suspended for stealing money from a client. Is that correct? Will: Yes, but I replaced it. Laura: Judge Creary called you a thief and a liar. Can you really say those characterizations are inaccurate? Diane: Objection, Your Honor. The question is whether or not Judge Creary showed bias by making these comments, not whether or not they were true. Judge Dunaway: Sustained. Laura: Wow, that's some defense. Our lawyer may be a thief and a liar, but the judge really can't say it. Alicia: If I make a motion to substitute, Your Honor, then it is no longer in your hands, and you must transfer this matter to another judge. Judge Creary: You don't know what you've just done. Alicia: We do, Your Honor, but you've given us no other choice. Judge Creary: Everybody has a choice. Everybody. You're fishing for a mistrial here, and you won't get it. You lose this motion, and I'll be right back here to judge this case. Alicia: We understand that. Judge Creary: So I'll give you one last chance to step back over that line. Alicia: I'm sorry, Your Honor, but my motion has been made. We move for a hearing into your bias against Mr. Gardner and our client. Will: Your Honor, if you believe that, you need to recuse yourself. Judge Creary: Ooh! I love this one! With his ethics! Love the ethics, Will. Great for a disbarred lawyer. Mm. Bribing.
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