Write a com dll unregister

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Article ID: 14343 Rating: 116 customers rated this article 4.4 out of 6 As a workaround to a problem you may need to register, or unregister, a. DLL (or other) file. To do this, run the Windows program regsvr32 at a command prompt, or from Start | Run. Applies to the following Sophos product(s) and version(s) Not product specific What To Do From the desktop, on the taskbar, select Start | Run | Type: cmd.exe | Press return. Important: For Windows Vista and higher you must run the command prompt as 'an administrator'.  On Windows 8 (for example) go to the Start screen, simply type 'cmd' to search for the app, right-click the app returned and select ' Run as administrator' at the bottom of the screen.  Example: A command prompt opens. You should either use ' CD' to change to the relevant directory (folder or enter the full path to the file. Registering a file To register (or re-register) a file, type: regsvr32 .dll regsvr32 \.dll where is the path to the file, and is the name of the file. Unregistering a file To unregister a file, type: regsvr32 -u .dll regsvr32 -u \.dll where is the path to the file, and is the name of the file. Microsoft resources For details, see: How did the article rate? Very poor 123456 Excellent Did this solve your problem? Help us improve this article.
I just tested this extremely simple method and it works perfectly-but I use the built-in Administrator account, so I don't have to jump through hoops for elevated privileges. The following batch file relieves the user of the need to move files in/out of system folders. It also leaves it up to Windows to apply the proper version of Regsvr32. INSTRUCTIONS: In the folder that contains the library (-.dll or.ax) file you wish to register, open a new text file and paste in ONE of the routines below : echo BEGIN DRAG- AND- DROP %n1 REGISTRAR FOR 64- BIT SYSTEMS copy %1 C:\ Windows\ System32 regsvr32 %nx1 echo END BATCH FILE pause echo BEGIN DRAG- AND- DROP %n1 REGISTRAR FOR 32- BIT SYSTEMS copy %1 C:\ Windows\ Sys WOW64 regsvr32 %nx1 echo END BATCH FILE pause Save your new text file as a batch (-.bat) file; then simply drag-and-drop your.dll or.ax file on top of the batch file. If UAC doesn't give you the opportunity to run the batch file as an Administrator, you may need to manually elevate privileges (instructions are for Windows 7 Right-click on the batch file; Select Create shortcut; Right-click on the shortcut; Select Properties; Click the Compatibility tab; Check the box labeled Run this program as administrator; Drag-and-drop your.dll or.ax file on top of the new shortcut instead of the batch file. That's it. I chose COPY instead of MOVE to prevent the failure of any UAC-related follow-up attempt(s). Successful registration should be followed by deletion of the original library (-.dll or.ax) file. Don't worry about copies made to the system folder ( C:\ Windows\ System32 or C:\ Windows\ Sys WOW64) by previous passes-they will be overwritten every time you run the batch file. Unless you ran the wrong batch file, in which case you will probably want to delete the copy made to the wrong system folder ( C:\ Windows\ System32 or C:\ Windows\ Sys WOW64) before running the proper.
COM is rife with DLL Hell problems. The failure mode here is that uninstalling the server will also remove the keys from HKLM\ Software\ Classes\ Interface. Which tells COM which proxy/stub implementation should be used to marshal the interface across apartment boundaries. The Proxy Stub Cls Id32 key for the interface identifies the proxy. So that breaks any client program that use other COM servers that implement the interface, they can no longer marshal the interface and they will die at runtime with E_ NOINTERFACE. In itself a confuzzling error code, you'd assume that the interface somehow has vanished but it actually complains about the COM object not implementing IMarshal. The last gasp when COM cannot find the key in the registry. Not that this is normally hard to fix, you'd simply have to re-register the COM server that fails, it will put the key back. There is no real defense against this lossage, you'd have to implement an elaborate reference counting scheme that records how many COM servers have a dependency on the the proxy and only remove the key (and the DLL, if it is a custom proxy) when it counts down to zero. This has been done, it however takes just a single installer that doesn't buy into the scheme, or an unwise Regsvr32.exe /u executed from the command line like you did, to make it fail.
Register or unregister a DLL. Syntax REGSVR32 [/ U] [/ S] [/ N] / I:[ Command Line] DLL_ Name Key /u Unregister Server. /s Silent, do not display dialogue boxes. /i Call Dll Install to register the DLL. (when used with /u, it calls dll uninstall.) /n Do not call Dll Register Server, you must use this option with /i. Command Line An optional command line for Dll Install /c Console output (old versions only). Examples Unregister (disable) XP Zip folders REGSVR32 /u C:\ Windows\ System32\zipfldr.dll Unregister ( Disable) CAB file viewer: REGSVR32 /u C:\ Windows\ System32\cabview.dll Register (enable) XP Zip folders REGSVR32 zipfldr.dll Register (enable) CAB file viewer: REGSVR32 cabview.dll Register Windows Update DLLs (for those times when XP repair breaks Windows Update) regsvr32 /s wuapi.dll regsvr32 /s wuaueng1.dll regsvr32 /s wuaueng.dll regsvr32 /s wucltui.dll regsvr32 /s wups2.dll regsvr32 /s wups.dll regsvr32 /s wuweb.dll Register DAO 3.6 ( Data Access Objects REGSVR32 C:\ Program Files\ Common Files\ Microsoft Shared\ DAO\ DAO360. DLL “ I was planning to go into architecture. But when I arrived, architecture was filled up. Acting was right next to it. So I signed up for acting instead” ~ Tom Selleck (on his college registration experience) Related: Delsrv - unregister a service with the Services Control Manager. ( Win 2 K Res Kit) MSIEXEC - Microsoft Windows Installer RUNDLL32 - Run a DLL command Q249873 - Regsvr32 usage and error messages.
The problem Due to the last format on my hard disk I lost a lot of the settings that I had made throughout the previous years. So, after re-installing windows and various applications, I faced the following issue: the context menu of Adobe Professional X was missing. What is the context menu? Well, it is a menu in the windows explorer that allows you to right click on a supported file and convert it directly to PDF file. It is a very handy feature since it is possible to select multiple files and combine them into a single PDF file or PDF Portfolio. I found on Adobe’s site that the problem was caused by an unregistered dynamic-link library (dll) file. So, in the particular case the solution was quite simple: I had to register that dll file ( Context Menu.dll). After fixing the problem I had the idea of creating an Excel workbook, which would make the procedure of registering and unregistering a dll file much easier. So, below you will find the “manual” solution to register and unregister a dll file, which involves the command prompt, as well as the easiest solution of using the Excel workbook I developed. Manual solution A) Open an elevated command prompt: Choose Start → All Programs. Click Accessories. Right-click on the Command Prompt icon and choose Run As Administrator from the context menu. If the User Account Control dialog box appears click yes. This step depends on your windows settings. For example, in my computer I have the UAC setting to “never notify” because all these pop-ups are really annoying, so in my case the procedure involves only the first 3 steps. Of course there are plenty other ways to open an elevated command prompt, but this is probably the easiest way to do it, especially if you are a new windows user. B) To register a dll file write on the command prompt: regsvr32 dll path Where “dll path” corresponds to full path of your file, for example.
facebook twitter linked In google Plus Reddit expand How to Register and Unregister a DLL or Active X controls using Regsvr32.exe Regsvr32.exe is a program that you can use to register and unregister dynamic-link libraries ( DLLs) and Active X controls (formerly called OLE Custom Controls) in the registry. Regsvr32.exe is installed in the System folder. On a 64-bit version of a Windows operating system, there are two versions of the Regsv32.exe file:- The 64-bit version is %systemroot%\ System32\regsvr32.exe. Path: C:\ Windows\ System32\regsvr32.exe- The 32-bit version is %systemroot%\ Sys Wo W64\regsvr32.exe. Path: C:\ Windows\ Sys WOW64\regsvr32.exe Regsvr32 is the command-line tool that registers DLL files as command components in the registry. Regsvr32 is used for registering a COM based DLL. Regsvr32 generates, registers, and installs a type library into a specified COM+ 1.0 application. To be used with regsvr32, a DLL must export the functions Dll Register Server and Dll Unregister Server. Regsvr32 will load the library and try to call the Dll Register Server from that library. It doesn't care what Dll Register Server actually does – it just calls that function and checks the returned value. You use it to register COM servers in unmanaged DLLs. It can't generate a.tlb file. Most often, Reg Svr32.exe fails because the Load Library, Dll Register Server, or Dll Unregister Server function fails. Load Library can fail because:- If the DLL is not in the specified path, or if the specified path is incorrect.- If one of the dependencies of the DLL that you are trying to load is not met; in other words, if a dependent DLL is not present or is not in the specified path. You can use the Depends.exe tool to check whether or not all of the dependencies of your DLL are met. Your DLL must implement Dll Register Server and Dll Unregister Server, that contain the logic that is necessary to add or delete.