Exe not a valid win32 application windows xp 64

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Those of us who spend our working lives developing Windows applications will have seen it a million times. End users will also be familiar with this error. Anyone who spent time in the 1990s downloading files over dial-up connections (which could easily be disconnected) will also get a shudder of recognition at this message. That bleep of a Windows error, that reassuredly vague dialogue box, the knowledge that you are  now pretty much stumped. But what exactly does ‘ Not a valid Win32 application’ error mean? And why does it occur? What does it mean? In short this error is describing a corrupted Windows.exe file. Why exactly this occurs, we shall look at shortly. This error typically occurs when an executable file is either incomplete, or has been only partially downloaded from the web. Developers will see this error when creating and running apps in their chosen IDE, often when there has been a DLL or compile error. Why does it occur? There are a large number of reasons for this error, and herein lies the crux of the problem. ‘ Not a valid Win32 application’ is basically a bit of a catch all, a grouping together of problems that all suffer from the same thing - file corruption. We are able to break down the causes a little: File corruption: This is typically the root cause. File corruption can occur when a file hasn’t downloaded correctly, or as a result of a  corrupted hard disk. File extension: Executable files have the 3 letter extension ‘.exe’. Occasionally this extension can be changed (due to user error or misconfiguration) and can result in the Win32 error. Malware or Virus: Various forms of virus and malware software can cause this error, by either corrupting the executable file in question, or some other part of the filesystem. Wrong operating system: This error can also occur if a 32bit Windows application tries to run on a 64bit Windows environment.
Reader Question: “ Hi Wally, When I try to start the messenger an error appears saying it is not a valid win 32 application!”  - Brittany S., USA Before addressing any computer issue, I always recommend scanning and repairing any underlying problems affecting your PC health and performance: Step 1 : Download PC Repair & Optimizer Tool ( Win Thruster for Win7, XP, Vista – Microsoft Gold Certified). Step 2 : Click “ Start Scan” to find Windows registry issues that could be causing PC problems. Step 3 : Click “ Repair All” to fix all issues. Setting up weekly (or daily) automatic scans will help prevent system problems and keep your PC running fast and trouble-free. Wally’s Answer: This error occurs for various reasons. If your messenger software worked beforehand, then it could be due to a virus or malware. If you just installed the messenger then it might not be compatible with your version of Windows. Win32 errors can occur for various reasons. Win32 Programs or Applications Win32 applications are 32-bit applications that conform to the rules of the Win32 API. So, basically its a standard format for applications that run on 32-bit Windows. Win32 applications can take advantage of multiple processors. All Win32 application have a.exe extension. General Causes of Win32 Errors Program was designed for a different version of Windows. One of the program’s files was deleted somehow. One of the program’s files became corrupt. Virus or malware infection. Incompatibility issues. Win32 error due to Missing files If you installed a program and later one of its files got deleted by accident, then the win32 error can occur. Try reinstalling the software, maybe this time, download the setup file from another source. File is not designed for your version of Windows If you have a new version of Windows installed on your computer and you are trying to run a program that was designed for.
While seleted answer was right time ago, and then noelicus gave correct update regarding v110_xp platform toolset, there is still one more issue that could produse this behaviour. A note about issue was already posted by mahesh in his comment, and I would like to highlight this as I have spend couple of days struggling and then find it by myself. So, if you have a blank in Configuration Properties -> Linker -> System -> Subsystem you will still get the not valid Win32 app error on XP and Win2003 while on Win7 it works without this annoying error. The error gone as soon as I've put subsystem:console.
File is corrupt, bad, or missing If the file or program you're attempting to run is corrupt or missing, Windows will be unable to execute the file properly and sometimes generate this error message. Download files If you downloaded this file and verified it is complete and compatible with your version of Windows, delete the file and try downloading and running it again. It's possible during the download that the file became corrupted. If the second download does not work, try downloading the file from a different web page. The person or company maintaining the website may have mistakenly uploaded a corrupt version of the file you are attempting download. Installing a program from a CD or other disk If you're attempting to install a program and are getting this error, verify that the CD is clean. If the CD is dirty or bad, you could get this error during the install or after the program has been installed because it was not copied properly onto the computer. Running a program from the computer If you're running the program from a shortcut on the computer, verify that the program is still on the computer. In some cases, if the program is no longer installed on the computer, you may get this error. If a hard drive is corrupted or bad, it can also cause functional programs that are stored to fail. The reason this happens is because not all the data can be read from the hard drive, or its programs have become corrupted. Users may run scandisk and defrag on the hard drive to check for any potential errors. Long file name issue Make sure the program or file you're attempting to run does not contain the same name as the long file name directory that contains the file. For example, executing a file named program in the Program Files directory can cause errors in some versions of Windows. Additionally, if you're attempting to install a program and after the install the program.
December 2015 This article examines the scenario of.exe files not opening due to a corrupt file system or an unregistered file. Sometimes while launching an.exe file, an error occurs where the file is termed as an invalid Win32 application. This article solves this problem for the user. It highlights the reasons for the error and subsequently provides remedies for it. The various situations discussed here are: File downloads, a badly configured IDE Controller, support CD/ DVD unreadable, a corrupted or unregistered file, spyware and a problematic browser configuration. When you launch an executable file, Windows displays a message like: Application name is not a valid Win32 application.exe is a file execution extension. There are different file formats for different systems that are identifiable with the help of different alphabets that accompany them. File download IDE Controller badly configured Support CD / DVD unreadable File system corrupted File unregistered Virus / spyware Problem with browser configuration Downloaded File If the application in question was uploaded to the Internet, it is possible that it was corrupted during the download. In this case, just download the file again. IDE Controller Badly Configured Right click on My Computer and select Properties. In System Properties, select the Hardware tab then Device Manager. Double-click the IDE ATA / ATAPI controllers. Double-click on Primary IDE Channel and Secondary IDE channel. In the tab Advanced Settings, under Device 0, ensure the command is set to DMA if available and not PIO only. CD / DVD is Unreadable If the error is caused by a defective media, follow the steps below: Try to read the CD / DVD in another drive Clean with a soft cloth and water (no soap) Attempt to retrieve the data with software such as Win ISO (free version which will retrieve the damaged file File System Corrupt To check.