Net debug com dll display attribute

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

This is an old question, but I think this is a very common problem, and here is my solution in MVC 3. Firstly, a T4 template is needed to generate constants to avoid nasty strings. We have a resource file ‘ Labels.resx’ holds all the label strings. Therefore the T4 template uses the resource file directly, < @ template debug= True hostspecific= True language= C > < @ output extension=.cs > < @ Assembly Name= C:\ Project\trunk\ Resources\bin\ Development\ Resources.dll > < @ import namespace= System. Collections. Generic > < @ import namespace= System. Collections > < @ import namespace= System. Globalization > < @ import namespace= System > < @ import namespace= System. Resources > < var resource Strings = new List var manager = Resources. Labels. Resource Manager; IDictionary Enumerator enumerator = manager. Get Resource Set( Culture Info. Current Culture, true, true). Get Enumerator while (enumerator. Move Next resource Strings. Add(enumerator. Key. To String > / This file is generated automatically. Do NOT modify any content inside. namespace Lib. Const public static class Label Names < foreach ( String label in resource Strings) > public const string < =label > = < =label > ; < > Then, an extension method get created to localize the ‘ Display Name’, using System. Component Model. Data Annotations; using Resources; namespace Web. Extensions. Validation Attributes public static class Validation Attribute Helper public static Validation Context Localize Display Name(this Validation Context context) context. Display Name = Labels. Resource Manager. Get String(context. Display Name)? context. Display Name; return context; ‘ Display Name’ attribute is replaced by ‘ Display Label’ attribute in order to read from ‘ Labels.resx’ automatically, namespace Web. Extensions. Validation Attributes public class Display Label Attribute : System. Component Model. Display Name Attribute private readonly string _property Label;.
  Calvin Hsia Microsoft Corporation June 2006 Applies to:  Visual Studio 2005  Visual Studio. NET 2003  Visual Studio 7.0 Summary: Illustrates ways to customize the Visual Studio 2005 debugger to get the most out of your debugging time. (6 printed pages) As a software developer, I spend much of my time looking at code, learning how it works, and figuring out how to modify or fix it. A very good tool to help examine code is the Visual Studio debugger. ( Even if you're not a hard core programmer, the following tutorial shows some of the power of the Visual Studio components—for example, the project system, build system, and debugger—working together.) At a breakpoint, I can examine local variables in the Watch, Auto, or Locals window to see their values and types. If it's a class or structure, the debugger will show a plus sign (+ indicating that it can be expanded, and the first couple members of that structure. Structures' submembers or inherited values can be examined. These structures can get very deep. Sometimes I need to inspect a value that's dozens of levels down in a hierarchy. That's a lot of complicated tree navigation in the debugger. Other times, I need to take a local variable name (or a member of that variable if it's a structure/class drag and drop it to a new line in the Watch window, and then typecast it to a value that's more meaningful. As I step through the code, the variable might go out of scope, or it might have a different name in a subroutine, so I'd have to repeat the typecasting steps in the Watch window with the different variable name. For example, suppose that one of the variables is called VBLine, and that it is an internal representation of a line of Visual Basic. NET code. It's much more meaningful to see Dim My Var As String than a bunch of hex numbers in the debugger. I drag and drop it to the Watch window, typecast it to a.